Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Every Healthy Animal has the Right to Live

More than 70 percent of cats who enter our nation's animal pounds and shelters are killed each year. That's 7 in 10 cats!

It's going on all across America. And it's got to stop. Pledge to be part of the solution! >>
Sign the petition: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AFnLP/zJDO/AvwdH
We cannot be silent as countless cats are killed every day. It is time for the nation's cat lovers and advocates to stand and be counted. Just a few ways you can help are to:

  • Promote feline-friendly practices at your local shelter.
  • Write a letter to the editor of your local paper.
  • Distribute literature about stray and feral cats and animal pound and shelter policies in your community.

Time and again, representatives of the shelter system say things like: "We kill them to alleviate future suffering; to save them from fates worse than death; because we don't have any room for them and where will they go instead?" This reasoning is wrong at the most basic - and moral - level.

Every healthy animal deserves the right to live. It is our duty as a society to find ways to make that happen >>

Sign the petition today at Care2.org: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AFnLP/zJDO/AvwdH

Thank you for making a difference today!

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Friday, June 26, 2009

TNR - Unsocialized Cats Need Help Too - Sign Petition

If you're like many others, you've probably stumbled upon an outdoor cat and wondered what to do to help.

What is Trap-Neuter-Return? What is the most enticing bait to use when trapping feral cats? If there is a cat in a colony who is friendly to humans, what is the best thing to do?

Think you know the answers? Take the short quiz to find out >> at Care2.com

A feral cat is any outside cat that is not socialized to humans. Born outdoors, they will never be comfortable living in human homes. They could happily live out their natural lives in both urban and rural areas. But sadly, virtually every feral cat that enters a shelter or animal control facility is killed.

Don't let this happen - sign the petition. If you need help with a feral, please call a rescue group (see below) - they will help. (DON'T call animal control)

* Sign the petition: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AFMvU/zJca/AvwdH

* Albuquerque's first Trap Neuter Release program:


* How to train feral kittens to be loving home pets:


* Albuquerque, New Mexico Cat Adoption. Adopt a Cat in Albuquerque, New Mexico ... by engaging in the trap-neuter-return (TNR) of feral cats in our community:


Let us know your experiences and your resources - we'd like to know!



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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

PETA's undercover investigation reveals what the horse-racing industry won't show you.

While millions of viewers watched this year's Belmont Stakes, former champions like Charismatic and War Emblem are half a world away in Japan. Thousands of other less famous U.S.-bred thoroughbreds have also been exported overseas for breeding and racing. When they are no longer useful, most of these horses will be slaughtered. Slaughterhouses such as the Kumamoto Shokuniku Center, are often the last stop in a system that routinely produces tens of thousands of "surplus" thoroughbreds each year because there is no plan for what to do with them after their racing or breeding days are over.

Ten years ago Charismatic won the 125th Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes. He nearly went on to win horse racing's Triple Crown before he tragically broke his leg near the finish line at the Belmont Stakes. Unlike Barbaro, Eight Belles, and the more than 1,000 U.S. racehorses who suffer fatal breakdowns on the track every year, Charismatic survived and was sold soon after like a commodity and exported to Japan for breeding purposes.

While millions of viewers watch this year's Belmont Stakes, Charismatic—half a world away and with his value as a stallion plummeting—could be facing the same fate as fellow Kentucky Derby winner Ferdinand, who was slaughtered for dog food at the end of an unsuccessful stud career in Japan.

In 2008, more than 100,000 American-bred horses were exported to Canada, Mexico, and Japan and slaughtered for meat—many of these were thoroughbreds. While racing fans are glued to media coverage surrounding the Belmont Stakes and other horse races, please get the facts at PETA's website about the real truth behind the horse racing industry.



Go to: www.PETA.org Read more!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Warm Weather Cautions - Tularemia, Plague & Salmonella

Love the wildlife, but keep a safe distance for now. As is common for the warm months, tularemia and plague are on the rise. It happens naturally during springtime and summer as the population rises and there's more interaction among the species. Then, once again, later in the year, nature sorts things out and everything's back to normal again. Francisella tularensis is transmitted by flies and ticks. The DOH says there have been reported cases in Edgewood, Lamy, west of Santa Fe, and as close as La Cienega. Symptoms include sudden fever, chills, headaches, diarrhea, muscle aches and joint pain. Humans can be diagnosed, but more commonly, cats are diagnosed ... and dogs as well. Not to worry though - antibiotics do the trick.

Salmonella has been rampant on the east coast this spring. They believe it's from the bird food that people put in the feeders during the winter which then drop to the ground, get covered with snow, thaws in the spring and creates an ideal environment for salmonella breeding.

The plague is transmitted by fleas that live on wildlife (coyotes, rabbits, squirrels, mice, etc) which can then hop to your pets and you. Being here in rural New Mexico fleas can be anywhere - walking out on the trails, hiking, and in your house. In the six years we've been here, El Dorado has had a case of plague almost every year. If you go up to Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu the hiking trail states the following: "Hike at your own risk. The rodents in this natural area have fleas carrying plague". And now Cochiti Lake has it's own case of plague. This is the 4th case of plague in the state this year. Dr Paul Ettestad, public health veterinarian at the department of health, states "Everyone needs to be aware of the situation and take precautions and avoid rodents and their fleas. We are seeing plague activity in many different locations of north-central New Mexico".

In the three previous human plague cases this year (and as is suspected in the 4th case, here in Cochiti) roaming and hunting pets have come in contact with rodents or other wildlife, brought the fleas back into the home and bedroom where they often sleep. So Dr. Ettestad advises the following:

  1. keep your pets indoors or away from hunting and roaming

  2. get a cheap flea comb and flea spray from any pet store

  3. and if you are letting your pets out then check them for fleas when they come in for the night and try to have them sleep someplace other than your bed.

Be aware that hiking will often put you and your pet in contact with fleas! So check yourself and your pet at the end of the hike.

There are two types of human bubonic plague - pneumonic (affects the lungs) and septicemic (gets into the blood stream). Symptoms -- ill within 2-7 days, fever, chills, painful swollen lymph nodes in the groin area, armpit and neck areas. Sometimes there is headache, vomiting and diahrrea. If it's septicemic there could also be abdominal pain. If it's pneumonic there could be a severe cough, difficulty breathing and bloody sputum. Symptoms in cats and dogs are similar to humans - fever, lethargy, not eating, and swollen lymph glands around the neck. The plague can be fatal - this year an 8 yr old boy in Santa Fe county died from the plague. The good news is all fleas do not carry the plague and with prompt diagnosis and proper antibiotic treatment the plague can be treated for both human and animal and things can pretty much go back to normal.

If you or your dog or your cat have any of the stated symptoms please seek medical attention immediately - don't think it will just go away.

Other sources: NM Department of Health

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer + rainy season = Ticks -- What you should know about tick disease in dogs

What a summer! We're having East Coast weather - humidity, rain, hot, muggy. Besides the swamp cooler being useless, what else do we need to think about? We've already had the plague here - now we need to think out tick diseases. The wildlife is carrying it - but we all moved here to be around wildlife. So here's the scoop - humans and pets can get tick diseases and here's what you should watch for:

There are 4 major tick diseases which affects dogs in the US: Lyme disease, Rocky mountain spotted fewer, ehrlichiosis and babesiosis.

Lyme disease: Lyme disease, named after the town of Lyme, CT, is carried by the black-legged deer tick (Ixodes scapularis) in the East and in the West by Ixodes pacificus or Ixodes neotomae. Larvae of the deer tick feed on mice, nymphs on mice and small mammals and the adult prefers to feed on deer, so those are the primary hosts at each stage of the tick's life. Lyme is endemic in the Northeast and steadily growing in the Midwest and in California. The South and Southwest has a very low (1%) infestation rate.

Symptoms in dogs are generally present with signs of arthritis in the joints closest to the tick bites. Two to five months after being bitten, the lameness that is the primary indicator of possible Lyme disease can come on suddenly and severely; other times it comes on more gradually. You may see shifting lameness where the dog favors one leg, then another. Lameness may come and go, sometimes for weeks at a time. The dog may go off his food. Neurological damage is possible, seizures and changes in temperament, from dullness to extreme of aggression, have been reported in dogs with Lyme. There is no rash as it occurs in humans. Normally, Lyme is crippling but it doesn't kill and the most common signs of the disease are almost always hidden. Lately, veterinarians reported signs of kidney and neurological problems with dogs infected with lyme disease.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fewer: Despite its name, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is found mainly in the Eastern US and usually makes itself known in spring and summer (March to October) but cases of human RMSF have been reported in almost every state, Canada, South America and Mexico.
Dogs most at risk are young, generally large breeds(german shepards and dobermans especially) that spend a lot of time outdoors. Dogs over 3 or 4 years old aren't as likely to get RMSF, possibly having acquired an immunity.
The onset of the disease is rapid. Four or five days after being bitten, the dog will become feverish (up to 105 degrees). Symptoms may include depression, loss of appetite, swollen lymph nodes, bruising on the skin or gums, tiny hemorrhages under the skin, muscle pain, retinal hemorrage, swollen or painful joints. A staggering gait, difficulty keeping his balance, is the dog's most common neurological sign. Seizures are possible. A decrease in the platelets responsible for clotting (thrombocytopenia), is the most consistent finding in blood tests.
If left untreated, RMSF either kills quickly (the disease runs its course in approximately two weeks) or the dog gets over it and is then immune. Symptoms may range from slight through severe to fatal.
It takes two to three weeks for antibodies to be detectable but then their numbers rise sharply for several weeks before they level off and begin a long, slow, gradual decline over many months. Obviously the timeline is very tight here, so, since research indicates that death from untreated RMSF is more common than previously thought, a dog that appears to have it should be treated immediately without waiting for test results to come back.

Ehrlichiosis -- Ehrlichiosis (E. Canis) has three stages. The acute stage is brief and the symptoms are easily missed; it may appear as if the dog has a mild and passing viral infection: snotty nose, diarrhea, fever, a general lack of his usual oomph. In a stoic dog especially, a change in behavior may be the only alert he gives you to get him to the vet.
It's in this stage that the outlook for a cure is best. Very early on, however, testing is probably useless; until ten days to two weeks after infection, the immune system will not have had time to make sufficient antibodies for the tests to detect.
The acute stage over, the disease passes into the subclinical stage. This simply means a stage in which no symptoms are present. Cure, or at the very least, containment of the disease so that it cannot progress, is still a good possibility in this stage, which may last for years.
If the disease progresses to chronic, the outlook is grave, particularly in E. risticii and E. canis. Symptoms show up with a vengeance at this point. There are a lot of symptoms and they are easily mistaken for other diseases: intermittent fever or loss of appetite lethargy, total loss of appetite, gradual loss of body condition (esp. along the spine and around the eyes), viral tumors on the face/mouth/muzzle, hemorrhaging even when the blood count looks normal, clotting problems, low or high calcium levels, seizures, muscle wasting, skin infections, neurological signs, diarrhea, low platelet count, urine too alkaline, vomiting, hyper-reflective eyes, low white blood cell count, bleeding from nose or eyes, signs of arthritis, pneumonia, cough, kidney failure, increased thirst and urination, incoordination, neck or back pain, bleeding under the skin or a rash, swelling of the legs or joints, enlarged lymph nodes, irreversible bone marrow suppression.

Babesiosis -- Babesiosis is a disease of the red blood cells and results in varying degrees of hemolytic anemia (essentially destruction of the RBCs that carry oxygen to the blood). It seems to hit greyhounds extremely hard but any dog that contracts it may become severely ill. It can come on sharply (acute) or violently (peracute) though neither of these stages is common in the US...or perhaps the disease simply isn't often recognized for what it is in either of these stages. It's generally found in the subclinical stage, where there are no apparent symptoms, or the chronic stage in which the disease is well-entrenched and symptoms are obvious .
The brown dog tick, is the usual culprit in the transmission of babesiosis; however, transmission has also occurred by direct, blood to blood transfer in fighting dogs, and by the transfusion of infected blood. Infected bitches have been known to pass the disease to pups in the womb.
In the United States, Babesiosis canis shows up mostly in the South but it does occur in other areas.. Babesiosis gibsoni is found all over the country but most often appears in pit bull terriers.
The dogs most at risk are those brought into an endemic area. These dogs are prone to severe infection. Evidently, those that are born in an area where babesiosis is prevalent get the infection while they're still protected by the colostrum in the mother's milk and, as a result, become immune carriers.
Clinical signs include fever that comes and goes, red or orange-colored urine, loss of appetite and the dog becomes too thin, his bones are more prominent, his coat is dull and there is at least some loss of muscle mass.
Because there is a foreign invader in the red blood cells, the dog's immune system will start to destroy them, adding to the destruction the babesia are causing. A drop in the platelets which aid in blood clotting can make things even worse; this is especially a problem in B. gibsoni. As if that weren't enough, the immune system may begin destroying uninfected RBCs as well. Half of all dogs with babesiosis will need transfusion. Severe inflammation is common and localized inflammation of the central nervous system can occur.

Testing: In order to make a diagnosis, one of the first things a vet will do is run a Complete Blood Count. A CBC can be very helpful, showing up things like reduced platelets or an increase or decrease in white blood cells. However, it's important to remember that a normal CBC does not mean that a dog is free of a tick-borne disease. The CBC alone is not enough to rule them out. In fact, a negative titer on an IFA or ELISA test is not enough. Tests are only part of a diagnosis.

Treatments: A semisynthetic tetracycline, doxycycline is the drug of choice for Ehrlichiosis, Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. It is an antibiotic. All antibiotics destroy or inhibit bacteria and don't differentiate "good" from "bad"; they wipe out beneficial bacteria in the dog's gut right along with the disease-causing organisms. It's a wise idea, then, to give the dog probiotics as long as he's taking doxycycline and for several weeks afterward to avoid the gastrointestinal problems that can develop if he's left without this help for eight weeks or more.

Tick Removal: The Right Way to Remove a Tick
Use a tool specifically made for removing ticks, a pair of sharp tweezers (not blunt ones) or a small pair of curved forceps.
Grab the tick right behind the head, i.e., as close to the skin as you can get, and PULL SLOWLY - STRAIGHT OUT. Don't twist the tick, it isn't made to unscrew. The tick's hypostome, the part that penetrates the dog, has barbs like fishhooks, so slow, easy and straight out is the way you want to go. Do not pull out ticks with your bare hands, you are putting yourself in risk to contract the disease!

Prevention: There are no natural prevention which helps 100% against ticks. In mildly infested areas, you can try natural tick collars or sprays available in your local health food store. In heavily infested areas you need chemical based tick prevention, such as tick collars, sprays or spot-on preventatives such as Frontline. please always consult with your veterinarian about the safest and most affective prevention in your area.

Keep watchful, get things checked out if you have any concerns. These things are treatable if you tend to it early.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Puppies & Local Fostering Needs

In a previous post we talked about 3 puppies that were left at the gas station. As was mentioned, one (black puppy) disappeared and we hope the best for him/her. But we are happy to announce that the remaining two puppies found a home together ! Here's to a happy home :-)

If you would like to help in our efforts to help the pets that come into our town needing a family - please talk with us or email us (clipets@live.com). We have a wish list: foster families (approximately 2 weeks at a time), "chip-in" funds for spaying/neutering and vaccines, also dog/cat food..... toys/leashes/beds. If you or someone you know can offer small medical help on a monthly basis, please le us know. We can use your help in any way.

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Report Cruelty to 1-877-5-HUMANE - Billboard & Leadership Scorecard

Have you seen the Attorney General’s new Cruelty Hotline Number? It premiered on I-40 Billboard in East Mountains on May 6. What a fantastic step forward!

This is a statewide hotline for reporting extreme cruelty to animals - and calls are coming in from several counties already. At least one animal has already been saved since the 14’ x 48’ billboard’s installation. Four callers to the new hotline number reported the same horse in poor condition, resulting in lifesaving help from the NM Livestock Board.

Animal Protection of New Mexico (APNM) staff take the cruelty calls and notify the appropriate authorities about animals in trouble, or people treating animals cruelly, across the state. Fortunately for the animals, many parties have contributed services, fees and space to make messaging against animal cruelty possible in this case- Clear Channel and Esparza to name a few.

Often they offer a reward for the arrest and conviction of a perpetrator - but most people have turned down the reward because they're happy that people are working together to change the way abusers treat animals.

It's now evident that New Mexico is serious about creating a humane state for animals.



Source: apnm.org
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Friday, June 5, 2009

We're Out There!

A wonderful milestone to mention - the Cochiti Lake Pet & Wildlife Community blog has now reached international status! Kattadora from England was so inspired by Sunny Thornton's article on cat declawing, that she commented via the blog about the post. I encourage you to sign her petition in banning declawing

(http://www.petitionthem.com/default.asp?sect=detail&pet=4312) here in the US and read her comments on our

blog and hers.

We are getting lot's of exposure outside of Cochiti -- people are reading in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Chimayo, Las Cruces, Taos, etc -- and that's just the people who have voiced an opinion :-) Things are moving along nicely - thanks to the people who get involved. So a big 'THANK YOU' to everyone who's is actively involved (and would like to get involved)!

The latest word is that Qwest DSL internet access for Cochiti Lake will be available mid-July 2009 so local online readership will have a jump and everyone who wasn't able to access will soon be able to enjoy!

In community spirit - write a small article :-) Your neighbors will get to know you better in a wonderful pet-related way!

. Read more!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why do Cats?????? - by Sunny Thornton

Our cats give us so much companionship, love, amusement and sometimes,
"paws" for thought. Why do they do some of the funny, wierd, or simply
cat-like things that they do? Some of the most common questions are......

Unlike small children, cats are not interrupting out of jealousy, or the need
to be the center of your attention. Your cat actually has no idea that you
are talking to someone else, on the other end of "that thing" - he hears your
voice and assumes that you are talking to him, so he jumps into your lap,
rubs on you, meows, etc. in response!

By definition, a cat is a hunter/explorer. He needs to satisfy his quest for
the unknown.

One reason for swishing is to gain balance before leaping. Another, is to
"hypnotize" his prey. If the prey becomes perfectly still, the cat cannot
see it......by swishing his tail, the cat can cause even a slight movement
in his target, which he can then spot, and descend on.
If his tail waves gently from side to side, this usually means your cat is
showing contentment. If he sits quietly with his tail flickly in a regular
rythm, he is most likely concentrating on something of interest. True lashing
is a sign of anger. It signals irritation to let you know that the cat is

Just as with humans, pent up energy sometimes overflows. Cats however, are
noctunal creatures with a natural need to hunt. Even in a home situation
where there is nothing to hunt, or no need to hunt, you cat will feel the
impulse anyway. At full tilt, a cat clocks an amazing 35 mph and covers 3
times the length of his own body in one leap!

When you cat rubs his head, or side of his chin against you (or the
furniture) he is leaving his scent on you - marking you as part of his
territory. He uses the glands in his forehead and around his chin & mouth
to deposit chemicals known as pheromones. Cats can tell how long ago a scent
was left, and how much they need to heed the warning.

Your cat's purr, followed by his "kneading" on some soft part of your body
is called "milk-treading". When you are relaxed, and sit quietly, you are
giving your cat the same signal that he got from his mother as a kitten -
that it was OK for him to suckle. A nursing kitten instinctively uses his
paws to draw out the milk - gently pushing his mother's stomach to increase
the milk flow. When older cats behave this way it is a good sign that they
feel content, secure with you, and probably are reliving their kittenhood.

As odd as it sounds.....they are imitating a snake! The sound of a cat's hiss
is almost identical to that of a snake's hiss - and they snake is one of the
most feared creatures in the animal kingdom. Hissing is actually quite
common in most land animals. When your cat hisses, he opens his mouth about
1/2 way, draws back his upper lip and wrinkles his face. As he does this,
he expels breath so hard that you can feel the gust of air if you are close
enough. The moisture released at this time is called spitting. This,
combined with his unnatural facial expression is usually enough to scare
off any enemy.

Of course, there are many other behaviors that we all notice, so we can
revisit this topic at another time. If you have any questions regarding
your cat's behavior let me know. If I can't answer you myself, I will
check with a vet or other expert to help you.

Till next time.............Sunshine



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