Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Chaining Issue

Animal Protection of NM is making a big push to educate people about the plight of chained dogs. The Humane Society is also putting the chain issue as a top priority calling it the 'most under-talked, over-used method of abuse'. Some cities, counties and/or states are now making tethering illegal.

Through years of domestication dogs have become naturally and strongly attached to their humans. They thrive on interaction with their human family counterparts. As the APNM states, keeping a dog on a chain means that the dog:
  • is deprived of social contact with other dogs and humans
  • sensory deprivation becomes the norm
  • and boredom, frustration, anxiety, agitation, and aggression follow in rapid succession.
These organizations are promoting positive alternatives and information to help get dogs off chains and into the lives of family members. They need everyone's help in spreading the word. Here is a link to read a brief description about the topic from the APNM as well as the HSUS. There are also some positive video instructions on building fences and other alternatives to chaining: "Train Don't Chain". Another great website on this matter is {End}. .

1 comment:

  1. We had a chained dog in this town - let's not let it happen again. Education is key.
