Thursday, May 28, 2009

Snake Season Part 2: Snake Aversion Training - by Freda Donica

Trudi and I have been to snake aversion training twice at Acoma Training Center in Albuquerque. I’m not sure about Trudi, but it is definitely working for me; I am aversed.

Here’s how it works: And, yes, they use live bull snakes. The dogs are always on leashes. One of the trainers brings a snake to each dog for her to smell it. This is done at least twice. The owners must stand still and pretend they’re not ready to bolt for the door. Did I mention they lock the door so you can’t get out? The training takes place in a big building, with lots of concrete floor space.

Next is the really fun part. The snake is placed in the middle of the floor – loose!! Each owner must walk toward the snake with her dog. And then the trainer, whom I consider to be lower than a snake’s belly, actually pushes the snake toward the dog AND YOU with a broom. The owner is then to yell, scream, cry, make every loud and scary noise one can think of, while pulling the dog away from the snake. Not a problem. This entertaining little exercise is repeated several times.

I don’t like to brag, but both Trudi and I did remarkably well. By the end of our second visit, we were both hyperventilating, our hearts were pounding and our mouths were like cotton. That must mean we’re snake-proofed, right?

The training is $10 for the initial visit, and you may return as many times as you wish, at no charge. The website is Located at 333 Wyoming SE (on the corner of Trumbel & Wyoming); ; Office Hours are M-F 9:30am-3:30pm; ph 266-6436.

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