Monday, March 30, 2009

Emergency Pet Notification Wallet Cards - by David Craig

To protect your pets in case of an unexpected emergency which keeps you from your home for an extended period of time, one idea is to make a Pet Notification card for your wallet.

I keep one in my wallet that says the following:


We have a pet at our house. If anything happens to us, please take care of this pet.

*Pet Name and type*

This card is printed on red paper, laminated, and appears as the first card in my wallet. Hopefully, if there is an emergency (e.g. a car wreck) someone from emergency services will at least notify someone in your town about your pet so they can help care for the pet while you're away.

. Read more!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Quick Technical Note

Due to the prehistoric internet access speed we suffer from here at Cochiti Lake, we have several readers who are not able to view and download this site properly. We want to make accessing the blog easy, fun, and informative for everyone.

So I've tweaked it by limiting the home page view of posts to 10 rather than the original 18. This is why the left column is shorter than the right column at the moment. By doing this, the site will load faster for all of us on dial-up.

Now you won't see all of the great articles in the left column - they will automatically roll to the right side column under March Archive and/or Labels . For instance, Sue's article on dog therapy can now be seen under, "What is a Therapy Dog" in the March Archive and also under "Animals Helping Humans"/"Dogs" in the Labels section. Carol's article on dog training can now be found under, "Dog Behavior: Come" in the March Archive and the, "Dogs" section of Labels. Colleen's article on, "Important Tips: How to Set Up Your Will For Your Pet's Benefit" can now be found in the March Archive, etc. The final method is to simply scroll down the left column of articles until you see the words, "Older Posts"at the bottom - click that and all the previous articles and posts will show up. Voila!

Please let me know if you are having any further trouble viewing the site ( As soon as Qwest brings in the lightening speed internet access we'll double the post views. (Do I hear Qwest calling?).. Read more!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

WELCOME --- A note from the editors

[reprinted] Welcome to the Cochiti Lake Internet Pet Community website ! We decided to create this website because Cochiti Lake is a pet-friendly town. We know there are many pet-lovers here and those that enjoy nature. And so we wanted to create a way of bringing all of us together in community spirit.

Instead of using a one-way means of communication where you would receive a printed newsletter that you might read and then throw away, we decided to create an interactive LIVE method for all to participate. It's convenient, it's fun, and best of all it keeps us all informed and connected. And we are fortunate to now live in a time where technology can make this happen.

This blog is eco-friendly, pet-friendly, and community-friendly. You can view or comment any time of the day or night, you can post helpful suggestions, (Click, "Read More") learn something new, and if you wish - you can print articles out on your own printer (recycled paper of course :-) Each month we will have articles written by our citizens and friends. Also written will be creative information, coupons, product & service recommendations, poetry, training tips, pictures, lost & found, events, etc. Since the site is a LIVE and INTERACTIVE website blog, all lovers of nature and pets in our town are encouraged to be socially interactive, adding their input in a free and helpful way. (You may notice a slight delay in your comments being visible as we test the technology platform, but this will resolve soon).

Do you have timely information that you feel our community could benefit from? Post away on this blog! Raymond will be pulling his pet expertise into the shaping of the blog and Krys will be running the tech and social networking side of the blog. And YOU, as a member of the community involved with nature and pets will keep the site fun and lively with your comments and information to share.

Let's keep it friendly and informative :-) Pass it on - let everybody know, help those that may not know how to log on or print - help your neighbor. Bookmark this page to visit daily/weekly, you can also sign up for the RSS notifications if you wish (anytime someone posts an article or a comment, you will automatically be notified via your computer), or heck - make this your community HomePage so you're on top of things daily! If you're having any problems viewing, posting, etc OR if you' like to write an upcoming article, please email us at mailto:Clipets@Live.comIf you'd like to be notified weekly by email of all the weeks Title Posts, please use the email above and put "subscribe" in the subject line.

* Each post shows approx. one paragraph, followed by the words, "read more". Click this link to read the entire article. A new window will emerge. When you're done reading, click it closed and you'll be back at the home page listing all the posts.
* The "Label" section going down the right side of this home page is a section for categories past and present.
* To leave a comment about an article just to say, "I love this", "very informative", "I have more info on this to add", or "thanks for writing this", etc: from the home page post, click "read more". A new window will emerge displaying the entire article. At the bottom of the article will be the word "comment", click this. A small window will come up, type in your comment. Below this it will ask who you are, you have three choices: a) if you have a google email or what's called an "open id" from aol, wordpress, type pad or live journal, you can type that in and you're done; b) you can just type in your first name, or a nickname and your done. If you happen to have a website address, you're welcome to type that in the space that says "url" - but you do not need to do this; c) you can click "anonymous" and you're done. On a personal note, we would encourage you to use some form of identity that others in the town can recognize, just so everybody can get to know each other. It's your choice.
* If you'd like the blog to notify you when there is a new post or a new comment from someone, click on the corresponding white button on the upper right side where it says, "subscribe to clipets". (The white boxes have a little orange square in it.) This is called an RSS feed and stands for "real simple syndication". This is always free. Now in order to read the feed you need a reader - also free and easy. We personally use Google reader, but you're welcome to use Yahoo or any of the other readers. Just use your Google, Yahoo, etc sign in and you're all done - the blog will automatically send you updates and you can take look at them however often you wish at any time of the day. It will 'not' bombard your email box - it does not go to your email. By clicking on those little white boxes on the top right you will be walked through the steps - you do this only once, takes about 4 minutes (depending on your internet connection speed), and then you're done and you never need to do anything more with it. It will work automatically - voila!

Please note: you do not 'need' to subscribe to the rss feeds to read and comment on the CLIPETS blog - subscribing to the rss is only if you want instant updates.

Enjoy, learn, teach, encourage, participate - be a member of this community - we'll each benefit from the collective knowledge we share :-)

Read more!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Brooklyn's Wild Parrot Population

This may not pertain specifically to Cochiti Lake, but it's worth mentioning since NM's own native parrot population was devestated by Mexico's bird smuggling ...... NYC may soon join San Francisco in officially recognizing and protecting it's wild parrot colonies. There is a fascinating and detailed blog (beautiful pictures as well) about wild parrots in New York City. Barry Schwartz of the Feathered Friends Parrot Adoption Services, Inc. has been sponsoring the measure to protect the birds. Read more about these great birds and the community effort to protect them: According to NM's Game & Wildlife website, there was a single wild parrot spotted on one of Ted Turner's ranches outside of TorC in 2004. In that part of the state there are non-native Mondell pine with cones that the parrot was found feeding on. Prior to this the only sitings reported were in the Animas Mountains of New Mexico in 1917 and 1919. Read more!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Earth Hour - March 28th

Just a reminder to turn off the lights at 8:30pm Saturday March 28th for one hour. According to New Mexico's website: "The World Wildlife Fund sponsors the international campaign to highlight the impact that electricity usage has on global warming. Last year, more than 50 million participated along with world landmarks, including Rome’s Colosseum, New York’s Empire State Building and San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge". . Read more!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wild Horses of New Mexico - 2min. video

This is a YouTube video by David Cramer. . Read more!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pet Food Pantry

New ABQ food bank helping those with pets. See the full article . . Read more!

Monday, March 16, 2009

ABQ Dog Ball - Sat March 28th

Albuquerque's sixth annual dog-friendly, "Mayor’s Dog Ball " will be Sat. March 28, 2009. Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez and First Dog Dukes will be hosting at the Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd. Proceeds will benefit the city’s Animal Welfare Department and the Albuquerque Kennel Kompadres Foundation. For more information or tickets visit: . Read more!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Irresistible Savings

Anyone using, "The Goodlife Recipe®" dog or cat food and treats? You can print coupons at this site: (click the link to go directly to The Goodlife site or click 'read more' for more info). The Goodlife Recipe® brand's Wholesome Recipes cat & dog foods are $3 off and their Snacks & Treats for cats & dogs are $1 off. Here's the link again: Read more!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Pros & Cons of Spaying/Neutering in Cats - by Sunny Thornton

So, it's time to focus on spaying or neutering your kitten. But you're not sure if it's the right thing to do? You're wondering if you should leave your cat as nature intended? Let's consider the positives & negative factors so that you can make an informed decision:

Your pet is approximately 12 weeks old....the ideal time to spay or neuter. You've heard that you need to wait until your female cat has had her first heat? Not fact, spaying her sooner will provide a faster recovery time for your cat!

What is neutering? It is a procedure to "de-sex" a male animal. The process greatly controls unwanted pet population growth, reduces or eliminates unwanted sexual behavior in cats, and decreases the possibility of certain disease conditions later in life.

Castration is a term used to describe the removal of the testicles in male animals. Spaying is a term used to describe the sterilization procedure in females, most often, the removal of both ovaries and the uterus. Both procedures must be performed under general anesthesia and both involve a surgical incision.


** Removes the risk of pregnancy:
Pet overpopulation is a serious problem and by allowing your pet to procreate you are adding to that problem. Finding safe and permanent homes (Click, "Read More") for new kittens is not as easy as you may think. If you decide to keep the kittens, you will be incurring the cost of additional food, toys, vaccines, regular medical checkups, feline dental care and parasite control for the lifetime of several more pets. In addition to these costs, the health of the mother can can be in jeopardy during each delivery. Some cats can experience serious complications during delivery or develop health problems while nursing. All of these potential problems can be avoided by spaying your cat!

** Spaying makes for a calmer cat:
Without the urge to mate, your cat will be calmer, quieter, and won't suffer the overwhelming urge to seek for a mate - no more "cat calls" and writhing, etc. The spayed female no longer attracts males with all their "calling", spraying and agressive behavior (a cleaner yard for you!) These females tend to be more gentle and affectionate than their unspayed counterparts.

**Spaying keeps your cat Healthier:
A final positive factor in spaying your cat is that she will tend to have fewer health problems later on. Without ovaries/uterus, the risk of ovarian cysts, uterine infections and cancer of the reproductive organs is no longer a concern.


**Spaying/Neutering May Cause Weight Gain:
Some cats gain weight after sterilization (and as they grow older). Unaltered animals typically have a strong mating desire and expend a great deal of energy to this end. Without this burden, your cat may become too sedintary. Cutting back on the amount of food offered or changing to a lower-fat food will be beneficial. Most importantly, increasing your pet's activity level though additional play time or harnessed walks will be a big help. Remember, just as with humans, your cat needs to burn the claories that she takes in to maintain a healthy weight.


** Removes the risk of pregnancy:
Pet overpopulation is a serious problem.....See paragraph 1 under, "Positive aspects of Spaying".........if you still don't get it, see paragraph 1 AGAIN!

** Neutering makes for a Cleaner, Calmer Male Pet:
Another positive aspect of neutering is that your male pet will be calmer and no longer feel the need to seek out a mate. He will not experience the stress of needing to mark his territory (your home & yard) by urinating on everything! He will feel the desire to roam less, and get into fewer fights with other animals which lessens the chance of disease. A neutered male tends to be more gentle and affectionate as well.

** Neutering Keeps Your Cat Healthier:
Neutering is the removal of the testicles. Without these organs, testicular cancer is no longer and issue, and the risk of prostate cancer is reduced by up to 87%.

You may have noticed that I mentioned a lessened desire to roam........ALL cats have this desire to some degree. As a responsible pet companion it is up to you to curb this desire. Your cat should be kept indoors at all times, or at least strictly supervised in your yard. Before you tell me that, "Kitty just wants to be Free" remember.....your 3 year old child probably wants to be "free" also. Free to run in a parking lot or on your block. You would never dream of allowing your child this freedom, so why would you allow your pet the "freedom" to be hit by a car, attacked by a larger predator, or taken by another person????

Last year approximately 17 million animals were turned over to animal shelters....these were the unfortunate ones. Only 1 in 10 found a home. What this means is that 13-1/2 million cats & dogs had to be destroyed. The sad part is that this is totally unnecessary! Much of the problem can be eliminated by simple surgery. Spaying & Neutering operations are performed under general anesthesia. It is quite painless and recovery is quick and easy in nearly all cases. Pet owners can and should help to ease the plight of unwanted and homeless creatures.

Next month's topic: Should I declaw my Kitty?
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Important Tips: How To Set Up Your Will For Your Pet's Benefit - by Colleen Jones

When remaking my will, I always include my furry children and birds. Whether we like to think about or not, we all will pass over the rainbow bridge one of these days. This is what I do and suggest you do according to your situation:

  1. Make a bio of each pet - include idiosyncrasies, age, any medical info, your veterinarian's name and phone number, food likes and dislikes. How they act around other cats/dogs, etc. Sometimes a cat/dog needs to be in a single cat/dog environment despite the fact he/she lived together with other pets previously. For instance, I have two cats who live together, but are not friends. However, my other pets need to be kept together, if at all possible.

  2. Canvass your friends, children, relatives - who will take one or more of your pets and treat them in the same style in which you treat them presently. It is important that none of them go to shelters, especially shelters where the usual holding time is limited to 7-10 days. Although, most shelters do try to prioritize older pets who's owners have died, 2 weeks is often not sufficient time to properly place a frightened, withdrawn pet into a loving home. Pets get depressed too! Non-kill shelters give a better chance and more time to find a new home, but most often they are full and unable to take a new pet on the short notice. Rescue groups are usually very willing to help, but again, someone needs to foster your pet for a time while paperwork and the necessary connections are made.

  3. Once you've made arrangements with your friend or relative for your pet's care in the future, list these people in your will along with pet's name(s) and designate money to each for their care. (Leona Helmsley overdid it a little!). Please be reasonable, but not stingy - we all have an idea of how much feeding and veterinary care costs on a yearly basis for each pet. You should also make a provision as to what should happen with your pet if the designated person no longer wishes or cannot keep your pet after a time. In other words – a backup.

  4. Although you can, I do not use an attorney to revise my will periodically. Instead, I follow the original form and add two witnesses at the end with a notary. Please don't forget to leave a copy with the person who will be the executor after each revision. This is perfectly legal, but you can check with an attorney. You can also have the attorney prepare your will and update it time to time.

Check with a professional to make sure you are legally secure.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dog Behavior: "Come" - by Carol Tharnish

The most important thing you can teach your dog is to come when called. Start with the dog on a long line or flexi leash, say the dog's name and the word, “come” [do not repeat]. If your dog comes on the first request have a treat ready and be sure to praise him/her.

If your dog ignores you, turn away from him/her and put pressure on the leash and walk in the other direction. No treats or praise. Start again, say the dog's name and the word, “come”. It may take a couple of times of you walking away with pressure on the leash for them to get the idea.

You can practice in the house off lead by going to another room or around a corner and call the dog – don't forget to have a treat ready! Remember, say the dog's name and then the word, “come”. Keep your voice very happy and always smile when your dog comes to you. In the house, randomly give treats and other times just really happy praise. [“Good dog” … “Yes, good boy”....Yes, good girl”.]

“COME” can save your dog's life. If you need any help, contact me.

Next month – another command that could save your dog's life, “Leave It”.
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Monday, March 9, 2009

What Vaccines Are Safe & Neccessary?

Are vaccines safe and necessary on a yearly basis? Should our pets have all vaccines on the same day or should it be split into 2-3 visits? Should all pets have the same vaccines year after year? These are serious questions in every pet owner's mind and the answers are not always clear or comforting. Let's look at the pros and cons: A search on Google for pet vaccination dangers will return tens of thousands of links on this topic reported by veterinarians and ordinary pet owners..... and show all kinds of facts, answers and experiences. So who do we trust, who do we believe? Are yearly "booster" vaccines really necessary or are they just a part of the "veterinary money maker machine"?

Let's not forget some facts: In dogs these days, we rarely see a distemper case. But 40 years ago many dogs died miserable deaths or had to be euthanized due to this disease. “Parvo” (parvovirus) can be a deadly killer to dogs, but the vaccine to help protect dogs from this disease is very effective and has prevented innumerable deaths. Cats – we rarely see cats with feline distemper anymore (also called panleukopenia) thanks to effective vaccines. But are vaccines giving 100% protection against these diseases? “No”, according to Dr. Foster (of Foster & Smiths), "If a veterinarian had ten dogs in front of him to vaccinate, there would be ten different immune systems that would accept the vaccine each in a unique way. Pet owners should keep in mind that no vaccine for humans or pets is 100% protective, 100% safe, in 100% of the recipients of the vaccine."

Dr. W. Jean Dodds, a noted researcher and immunologist in Santa Monica, CA, suggests that when giving a rabies vaccine, not to administer it at the same time as other vaccines. She suggests waiting 3 to 4 weeks before giving additional vaccines. Dr. Dodds believes that, “after ten years of age, booster vaccines are generally not needed and may even be unwise”. She states, "For animals previously experiencing adverse vaccine reactions or breeds at higher risk for such reactions (Weimaraners, Akitas, Harlequin Great Danes etc.), alternatives to booster vaccinations should be considered”. These include avoiding boosters except those required by law such as the rabies vaccine. Measuring serum titers annually for specific diseases and considering homeopathic alternatives to vaccinating are another alternative. “Some homeopathic approaches are considered "unconventional" by some so the pet owner should be provided with an appropriate disclaimer and should give informed consent to this approach."

Although vaccines are researched, tested, and perfected year after year, every pet owner needs to be educated about them. Look to your veterinarian, the veterinary associations (conventional and holistic), books, magazine articles and via the internet. You need to find your comfort zone so you have peace of mind about these issues. At the same time, give your pet the maximum protection against these diseases. If you have the means to split the vaccinations into 2-3 visits, please definitely do so - it is much easier on your pet's immune system. If your pet is allergic to anything in the vaccine dose including stabilizers, preservatives, or antibiotics, please seek conventional AND holistic veterinary advise about future vaccination possibilities.

If you live in areas where you are not in the middle of an epidemic (such as the east coast's Lyme Disease), the vaccine against the disease is less likely necessary. If your cat never leaves your house, the danger is very slim he/she will contract diseases such as feline leukemia. Use your knowledge and judgment about vaccines for your pet and don't be afraid to ask questions! Never let your pet relapse on rabies vaccine (it's a law) - even if your area hasn't had any reported rabies cases in the past decade.

Working 11 years in the veterinary field I've seen both sides of the aisle and have my own opinion. One product that I've found helpful and highly recommend (recommended and used by many holistic veterinarians), is a homeopathic liquid called “Vaccination Detox” manufactured by Nature Sunshine. It is made for humans and works very well in pets to take away harmful side affects of vaccines and to help your pet's immune system bounce back quickly. We use it after every vaccination for our pets. Keeping your pet's immune system healthy is not just a great preventative measure against horrible diseases such as cancer, auto-immune disease etc., but also helps with allergies, skin and ear problems and other "annoying" chronic diseases.
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Adoption and Rescue

Santa Fe Adoption Days: Cats and Dogs

Saturday March. 28th Noon - 3PM at Zoe Guido's 1441 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe
Saturday Apr. 11th Noon - 3PM at Teca-Tu 500 Montezuma St. Santa Fe

Local Rescue Websites we personally work with:
There is an interesting group we recently found - they rescue Blind Cats: Blind Cat Rescue
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Saturday, March 7, 2009

What is a Therapy Dog - by Sue Kinzie

I didn't know the answer to that question until I was blessed with my first Great Pyrenees. He came to me shortly after I moved to Cochiti Lake. I took him with me to the airport to meet relatives who were coming for a visit. Well, "Bart" as I called him caused quite a stir! People surrounded us to pet him and ask me questions. After all it isn't every day you see a 175 pound white dog at the airport! In the midst of all this a woman approached and said,” he would make a great therapy dog” and slipped me her card.

I called the woman after the holidays and inquired about the process. She explained that after the initial evaluation and two observed visits there were also five training visits in different medical facilities in Albuquerque. After sailing through training, Bart graduated as my first therapy dog. I began this to spend time with my dog and give to the community. Little did I know how enriched my life would become and how important this work is. The incident that follows is an example:

One day Bart and I went to Juvenile Detention. When we visit there, we have to be signed in. Then someone walks us to a big room where they lock the door behind us. There are other therapy dog teams there so I took Bart off to one side because he was so big. Soon we were joined be three inmates who earned the privilege of coming to see us. As the boys approached they said, “I have never seen such a big dog” and, “I didn't know they allowed bears in here”.
One of the boys came over and sat down facing Bart and began to stroke his head. Then he said, "I just got sent back here. I have been here before. I should have gotten a dog, but I made the mistake of returning to my old friends.” He started crying quietly so that the other boys wouldn't notice. He said things to Bart that he didn't dare bring up with them. That wouldn't be cool or macho.

This boy had no one else to share his feelings with so Bart laid his head in the boy's lap as he continued to talk. He cried,” I miss my father and my sister and brothers. I miss my little daughter. My mother was a drug addict. She is dead now. My family struggled with her addiction all my life. I got high with my friends and tried to impress a girl by stealing a computer out of a cop car. What a mistake! Now I am not getting out of here until I am twenty-one and I just turned sixteen.” He continued to cry softly as he buried his face in Bart's woolly coat. He sat with Bart like that until he was called to go back to his cell. As he left he said, “I hope to see you next time. Thanks for listening.” This was the first of many experiences I had with Bart and continue to have as I visit with my other therapy dog, Cody.

So the answer to the question, “What is a Therapy Dog?” It is a dog that is able reach people who do not or can not trust enough to communicate with other people. It is my privilege to facilitate their work!

  • Next month - learn about Sue's great organization she recently founded!
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Friday, March 6, 2009

The Rhythm of Hoof Beats - ChristiAne Wolski

Horses nourish the soul of humans. A quote often attributed to Winston Churchill allures to this: “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” Riders of any discipline know this. Especially trail riding is often credited with mind refreshing and relaxing qualities. Add to that the experience of the sights, sounds, and smells of an unfamiliar or exotic landscape and you have the perfect setting for an (Click, "Read More")
invaluable experience that can transcend all aspects of life.

Lynn Webb counts herself lucky that she had plenty of such riding experiences. Her pleasant personality, a background as a barn manager for a private dressage barn, and her degree in graphic arts led her to work in the horseback riding vacation industry for over 10 years. Her profession came with the perk of going on ‘test’ rides in locations such as Costa Rica, Mexico, Ireland, England, Scotland, Italy, France, Spain and Greece! First hand she felt the exhilaration of galloping across a beach in Costa Rica and the peace of mind a truly trustworthy equine partner offers you in the breathtaking but foreign countryside of Scotland.

Beyond the opportunity of going on equestrian trips what Webb loved most about her job was the personal contact with horsepeople. Through email and phone conversations she learned not just about customer’s riding preferences and vacation styles but also about their families, including the family members with four hooves. Many customers kept up a friendly acquaintance with Webb after returning from their vacation. As Webb says, “once you start talking about horses you are family.”

Like her clients, Webb is a horse person in private life as well. Nearly fifteen years ago her Thoroughbred/Quarter horse gelding Cherokee River developed equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). This was when little was known about this neurological disease and its treatment. She purchased Fulton, a rather grumpy Thoroughbred/Oldenburg gelding a year after she had to put River down due to his severe symptoms. Fulton didn’t like either dressage or trail riding, which were the activities Webb and River enjoyed together. He only seemed to like jumping, which Webb however doesn’t count to her fortitudes. Webb invested in training herself and her equine partner and they formed a long lasting partnership. Now, at 30 years old Fulton is still going steady. He and Webb jump up to 2ft obstacles on trails and do hunter paces together.

Webb’s private and professional life always has been determined by the rhythm of hoof beats. And she loves it that way. A couple of years ago Webb cut back her work schedule to just assist with the content and design of the promotional material of the company she worked for. But she realized how much she missed the personal contact with clients and the horseback riding trips. It wasn’t long when she was approached by some of the facilities she had visited on her trips with the request to represent them. Webb jumped on the opportunity and established her own equestrian travel agency Hoofbeats International, Inc.

Webb proudly represents nine different equestrian facilities in as many countries. She is able to offer over two dozen different riding trips through Hoofbeats International, Inc. Whether it is a once in a lifetime dream trip or an annual group vacation, Webb is happy that she can offer to make people’s dreams come true. She thinks “that everyone who loves horses should experience the excitement and fun of taking a riding vacation!”

More on ChristiAne Wolski

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Hummingbird Ready - by Raymond Sandor

One more month and the first hummers are due to arrive here in Cochiti Lake! They'll be hungry after their long journey. If you're into gardening, here are some tips about which plant families are the best to have in creating your hummingbird friendly garden: (Click, "Read More")

According to, "The Peterson Field Guide to Hummingbirds", often the best choices in each family are the red or orange varieties, and sometimes blue/purple. Plants that are native to our area have the best odds of survival and are familiar to the hummingbirds … but be imaginative!

* Mint Family: Salvias (Salvia spp.), Bee Balm (Monarda spp.), Giant Hyssop (Agastache spp.)
* Columbines: Aquilegia spp.
* Honeysuckles: Lonicera spp., esp. Trumpet Honeysuckle, (L. sempervirens)
* Bignonia Family: Trumpet Creeper, Cross Vine, Desert Willow, Yellow Bells
* Penstemons: Penstemon spp.
* Lobelias: Lobelia spp., esp. Cardinal Flower (L. cardinalis) and L. laxiflora
* Mallow Family: Turk's Cap, Flowering Maple (Abutilon pictus), Hollyhock (as Alcea rosea), Hardy Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon.
* Evening Primrose Family: Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), California fuchsia (Zauschneria californica), Fuchsias (Fuchsia spp.)
* Morning Glories: Ipomoea spp., esp. Cypress Vine, Red Morning Glory, Scarlet Creeper, Bush Morning Glory.
* Acanthus Family: Desert Honeysuckle, Flame Acanthus, Chuparosa (Justicia californica), Mexican Honeysuckle (J. spicigera),Shrimp Plant (J. brandegeana).
One well known source for seeds is the Park Seed Co. I've enclosed a link here:

Park Seed

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Best Friends: A Parable - Author Unknown

A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother of pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.

When he was close enough, he called out, "Excuse me, where are we?" "This is heaven, sir," the man answered. "Wow!" Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked. "Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up." The man gestured, and the gate began to open. "Can my friend," gesturing toward his dog, "come in, too?" the traveler asked. "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets."

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going. After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road which led through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.
"Excuse me!" he called to the reader. "Do you have any water?" "Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there" The man pointed to a place that couldn't be seen from outside the gate. "Come on in." "How about my friend here?" the traveler gestured to the dog. "There should be a bowl by the pump."

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveler filled the bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog. When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree waiting for them.

"What do you call this place?" the traveler asked. "This is heaven," was the answer. "Well, that's confusing," the traveler said. "The man down the road said that was heaven, too." "Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell." "Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?"

"No. I can see how you might think so, but we're just happy that they screen out the folks who'll leave their best friends behind."
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Homemade Cat Treat Recipe

Do you see the spark in your cat's eyes when you open the "pet" draw in your kitchen or the door to the cupboard? "It's cat munchies time!" Interestingly, as soon you open that draw/door, your cats mysteriously appear – sometimes even running to the sound in their sleep.

Cat treats are a great way to enliven your cat's day and although they don't do tricks for them like dogs, you definitely win their hearts over for that moment. Stores have a great variety of treats available for cats. Some cats are very finicky and if you don't buy their favorite treats, they'll walk away disappointed. Most cats prefer crunchy treats, but soft treats are a hit as well. Unfortunately some of these store bought treats are not as healthy as they should be - many of them contain BHA/BHT, a commonly known carcinogen (used as a preservative). Organic or “healthy” treats can often be expensive due to the cost of quality ingredients and for some reason most cats prefer the junkie stuff (just like their human counterparts).

Here are some easy, tasty, and cost-efective recipes to try at home. These recipes are preservative and "bad" ingredients free, you can use organic or just regular high quality ingredients to make them. Give it a try!

Chicken/Turkey treats

1-1/2 cups cooked chicken or turkey
1 large egg
2 Tbl. chicken broth
1 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup whole wheat flour

In a blender or processor whirl chicken, egg and broth until smooth. Scrape into bowl. Add cornmeal and 1/2 cup flour, stir until moistened. Cover dough and refrigerate at least 2 hrs. Then roll out 1/4 in thick on lightly floured board. Cut into 1/2 in squares or triangles. Scatter on 3 greased 12 x 15 baking sheets. Bake at 350 until golden (about 15 min.) Remove from oven, stir in pans and let cool. Refrigerate airtight up to 2 weeks, freeze for longer storage. Makes about 3 cups.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lost and Found

Post your lost and founds immediately so that the community can be on alert to help. Here is the format: Date, time, last seen, type of pet, distinguishing characteristics, how to contact you, comments.

Need Home: "Poochini" 2 yr old, male Australian cattle dog/Akita mix, good disposition, friendly with dogs, quiet and calm, gentle. Email Read more!

Monday, March 2, 2009


This post is reserved for our beloved pets who have passed on. We can post a picture and a small write-up of your pet for your remembrance. To the left is "Louie" who we recently lost at 18 years. There is a well-known poem about pets and people called the, "Rainbow Bridge". If you'd like to read it, click, "read more".

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Local Chat

Any questions to ask the group? Ask the town? Any comments?. Continued...

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Advocacy Corner

International, National, and State - take 5 minutes and make a difference. This is where we dispay organizations who are doing a great service for animals. We're not particularly endorsing any one organization, but they each offer much info and list various ways that you can help. Celebrate in their winnings for animals.

Chained Dogs

Visit the New Mexico link for APNM and find out the great things accomplished and how you can help too. There are some really happy stories: Animal Protection of New Mexico

There is an HBO special on Monday March 16, 2009 at 8pm MST:
Here is the link for the documentary with a preview video.

Three Ways to Help Horses in 2009: A) World-renowned natural horsemanship trainers, Pat and Linda Parelli will use their methods to help rescued horses find forever homes through the HSUS. Special opportunity to help rescued horses and see humane training in action. B) Bid on Exclusive, VIP Packages to Indy Motor Speedway Races and help the HSUS help neglected horses by promoting responsible horse ownership and combating equine abuse and cruelty. C) Ask Your Member of Congress to End Horse Slaughter - with a new Congress, we have an amazing opportunity to make this the year to finally ban the cruel transport of horses for slaughter for human consumption on U.S. soil as well as in other countries. Ask your Representative to co-sponsor and vote in favor of H.R. 503. It's just a click and/or a phone call - real quick to do, but makes a great impact!

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Liven up your desktop: Download this kitty!

To download this funny, captioned photo of Isaac and make it your new desktop background, follow these simple instructions: Click on the image at the left to launch the larger file. Right mouse-click on the large image and select "Set as background." Choose "Stretch" to fill your entire desktop screen or "Center" for a smaller image.
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Pet Coupon Links

This is our coupon link section. If you know of other great deals, let us know so they can be posted for the pet community. We are also working on a printable product coupon feature, hopefully we'll be able to add it on shortly.

The iPet GlucoMeter and Kit - just like the ones for humans, but it's calibrated for companion pets.

Petsmart - Free Shipping with $75+ Order Petsmart Coupon: SHIP Expires: Unknown

Petsmart - $10 off $100+ Purchase Petsmart Coupon: LUCKY Expires: 3/10/2009

The Company Store: Dog Parkas Was $39.00 Now $8.99 The Company Store has these dog parkas on sale for $8.99 after $30 savings. Shipping is free if you enter the coupon code at checkout. They have 5 colors to choose from. The Company Store Coupon: T8NFDLAST
Expires: Unknown Pet Ego Small Dog Bag Was $130.00 Now $59.95 + Shipping
Sierra Trading Post is selling this Pet Ego Small Dog Bag for $59.95 after a 53% savings. Folds easily into its own backpack. Standard shipping is $9.95. Expires: Unknown
REI Outlet has this dog pack on sale for $29.93 after $50 savings. Shipping is $5.99. This pack comes in blue or red and lets your dog help carry some items on a hike. Expires: Unknown

PetCareRx: Free Shipping on $35 Orders Expires: Unknown

Target - $5 off $50: Target Coupon + Free Shipping on 30,000+ Select Items *Online Only* + Clearance Sales + Click through to save an extra $5 off your purchase of $50 or more at Some exclusions apply. See pop up when you click through for more details. Look for the free shipping icon next to the product to see if it qualifies for free shipping. Expires: Unknown
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Wanted: Funny pictures

Send us your funny pet pictures along with a caption and we'll feature one each month! Send to or have Krystyn or Raymond scan it in for you. ......
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