Friday, March 6, 2009

The Rhythm of Hoof Beats - ChristiAne Wolski

Horses nourish the soul of humans. A quote often attributed to Winston Churchill allures to this: “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” Riders of any discipline know this. Especially trail riding is often credited with mind refreshing and relaxing qualities. Add to that the experience of the sights, sounds, and smells of an unfamiliar or exotic landscape and you have the perfect setting for an (Click, "Read More")
invaluable experience that can transcend all aspects of life.

Lynn Webb counts herself lucky that she had plenty of such riding experiences. Her pleasant personality, a background as a barn manager for a private dressage barn, and her degree in graphic arts led her to work in the horseback riding vacation industry for over 10 years. Her profession came with the perk of going on ‘test’ rides in locations such as Costa Rica, Mexico, Ireland, England, Scotland, Italy, France, Spain and Greece! First hand she felt the exhilaration of galloping across a beach in Costa Rica and the peace of mind a truly trustworthy equine partner offers you in the breathtaking but foreign countryside of Scotland.

Beyond the opportunity of going on equestrian trips what Webb loved most about her job was the personal contact with horsepeople. Through email and phone conversations she learned not just about customer’s riding preferences and vacation styles but also about their families, including the family members with four hooves. Many customers kept up a friendly acquaintance with Webb after returning from their vacation. As Webb says, “once you start talking about horses you are family.”

Like her clients, Webb is a horse person in private life as well. Nearly fifteen years ago her Thoroughbred/Quarter horse gelding Cherokee River developed equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). This was when little was known about this neurological disease and its treatment. She purchased Fulton, a rather grumpy Thoroughbred/Oldenburg gelding a year after she had to put River down due to his severe symptoms. Fulton didn’t like either dressage or trail riding, which were the activities Webb and River enjoyed together. He only seemed to like jumping, which Webb however doesn’t count to her fortitudes. Webb invested in training herself and her equine partner and they formed a long lasting partnership. Now, at 30 years old Fulton is still going steady. He and Webb jump up to 2ft obstacles on trails and do hunter paces together.

Webb’s private and professional life always has been determined by the rhythm of hoof beats. And she loves it that way. A couple of years ago Webb cut back her work schedule to just assist with the content and design of the promotional material of the company she worked for. But she realized how much she missed the personal contact with clients and the horseback riding trips. It wasn’t long when she was approached by some of the facilities she had visited on her trips with the request to represent them. Webb jumped on the opportunity and established her own equestrian travel agency Hoofbeats International, Inc.

Webb proudly represents nine different equestrian facilities in as many countries. She is able to offer over two dozen different riding trips through Hoofbeats International, Inc. Whether it is a once in a lifetime dream trip or an annual group vacation, Webb is happy that she can offer to make people’s dreams come true. She thinks “that everyone who loves horses should experience the excitement and fun of taking a riding vacation!”

More on ChristiAne Wolski

1 comment:

  1. Great article! I hope, that we'll be able to take a vacation like this one day!
