Monday, March 9, 2009

What Vaccines Are Safe & Neccessary?

Are vaccines safe and necessary on a yearly basis? Should our pets have all vaccines on the same day or should it be split into 2-3 visits? Should all pets have the same vaccines year after year? These are serious questions in every pet owner's mind and the answers are not always clear or comforting. Let's look at the pros and cons: A search on Google for pet vaccination dangers will return tens of thousands of links on this topic reported by veterinarians and ordinary pet owners..... and show all kinds of facts, answers and experiences. So who do we trust, who do we believe? Are yearly "booster" vaccines really necessary or are they just a part of the "veterinary money maker machine"?

Let's not forget some facts: In dogs these days, we rarely see a distemper case. But 40 years ago many dogs died miserable deaths or had to be euthanized due to this disease. “Parvo” (parvovirus) can be a deadly killer to dogs, but the vaccine to help protect dogs from this disease is very effective and has prevented innumerable deaths. Cats – we rarely see cats with feline distemper anymore (also called panleukopenia) thanks to effective vaccines. But are vaccines giving 100% protection against these diseases? “No”, according to Dr. Foster (of Foster & Smiths), "If a veterinarian had ten dogs in front of him to vaccinate, there would be ten different immune systems that would accept the vaccine each in a unique way. Pet owners should keep in mind that no vaccine for humans or pets is 100% protective, 100% safe, in 100% of the recipients of the vaccine."

Dr. W. Jean Dodds, a noted researcher and immunologist in Santa Monica, CA, suggests that when giving a rabies vaccine, not to administer it at the same time as other vaccines. She suggests waiting 3 to 4 weeks before giving additional vaccines. Dr. Dodds believes that, “after ten years of age, booster vaccines are generally not needed and may even be unwise”. She states, "For animals previously experiencing adverse vaccine reactions or breeds at higher risk for such reactions (Weimaraners, Akitas, Harlequin Great Danes etc.), alternatives to booster vaccinations should be considered”. These include avoiding boosters except those required by law such as the rabies vaccine. Measuring serum titers annually for specific diseases and considering homeopathic alternatives to vaccinating are another alternative. “Some homeopathic approaches are considered "unconventional" by some so the pet owner should be provided with an appropriate disclaimer and should give informed consent to this approach."

Although vaccines are researched, tested, and perfected year after year, every pet owner needs to be educated about them. Look to your veterinarian, the veterinary associations (conventional and holistic), books, magazine articles and via the internet. You need to find your comfort zone so you have peace of mind about these issues. At the same time, give your pet the maximum protection against these diseases. If you have the means to split the vaccinations into 2-3 visits, please definitely do so - it is much easier on your pet's immune system. If your pet is allergic to anything in the vaccine dose including stabilizers, preservatives, or antibiotics, please seek conventional AND holistic veterinary advise about future vaccination possibilities.

If you live in areas where you are not in the middle of an epidemic (such as the east coast's Lyme Disease), the vaccine against the disease is less likely necessary. If your cat never leaves your house, the danger is very slim he/she will contract diseases such as feline leukemia. Use your knowledge and judgment about vaccines for your pet and don't be afraid to ask questions! Never let your pet relapse on rabies vaccine (it's a law) - even if your area hasn't had any reported rabies cases in the past decade.

Working 11 years in the veterinary field I've seen both sides of the aisle and have my own opinion. One product that I've found helpful and highly recommend (recommended and used by many holistic veterinarians), is a homeopathic liquid called “Vaccination Detox” manufactured by Nature Sunshine. It is made for humans and works very well in pets to take away harmful side affects of vaccines and to help your pet's immune system bounce back quickly. We use it after every vaccination for our pets. Keeping your pet's immune system healthy is not just a great preventative measure against horrible diseases such as cancer, auto-immune disease etc., but also helps with allergies, skin and ear problems and other "annoying" chronic diseases.

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