Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dog Behavior: "Come" - by Carol Tharnish

The most important thing you can teach your dog is to come when called. Start with the dog on a long line or flexi leash, say the dog's name and the word, “come” [do not repeat]. If your dog comes on the first request have a treat ready and be sure to praise him/her.

If your dog ignores you, turn away from him/her and put pressure on the leash and walk in the other direction. No treats or praise. Start again, say the dog's name and the word, “come”. It may take a couple of times of you walking away with pressure on the leash for them to get the idea.

You can practice in the house off lead by going to another room or around a corner and call the dog – don't forget to have a treat ready! Remember, say the dog's name and then the word, “come”. Keep your voice very happy and always smile when your dog comes to you. In the house, randomly give treats and other times just really happy praise. [“Good dog” … “Yes, good boy”....Yes, good girl”.]

“COME” can save your dog's life. If you need any help, contact me.

Next month – another command that could save your dog's life, “Leave It”.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Carol for this training info, helps a great deal with our new puppy. Can't wait for the next tip!!
