Friday, March 6, 2009

Hummingbird Ready - by Raymond Sandor

One more month and the first hummers are due to arrive here in Cochiti Lake! They'll be hungry after their long journey. If you're into gardening, here are some tips about which plant families are the best to have in creating your hummingbird friendly garden: (Click, "Read More")

According to, "The Peterson Field Guide to Hummingbirds", often the best choices in each family are the red or orange varieties, and sometimes blue/purple. Plants that are native to our area have the best odds of survival and are familiar to the hummingbirds … but be imaginative!

* Mint Family: Salvias (Salvia spp.), Bee Balm (Monarda spp.), Giant Hyssop (Agastache spp.)
* Columbines: Aquilegia spp.
* Honeysuckles: Lonicera spp., esp. Trumpet Honeysuckle, (L. sempervirens)
* Bignonia Family: Trumpet Creeper, Cross Vine, Desert Willow, Yellow Bells
* Penstemons: Penstemon spp.
* Lobelias: Lobelia spp., esp. Cardinal Flower (L. cardinalis) and L. laxiflora
* Mallow Family: Turk's Cap, Flowering Maple (Abutilon pictus), Hollyhock (as Alcea rosea), Hardy Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon.
* Evening Primrose Family: Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), California fuchsia (Zauschneria californica), Fuchsias (Fuchsia spp.)
* Morning Glories: Ipomoea spp., esp. Cypress Vine, Red Morning Glory, Scarlet Creeper, Bush Morning Glory.
* Acanthus Family: Desert Honeysuckle, Flame Acanthus, Chuparosa (Justicia californica), Mexican Honeysuckle (J. spicigera),Shrimp Plant (J. brandegeana).
One well known source for seeds is the Park Seed Co. I've enclosed a link here:

Park Seed

1 comment:

  1. A hint from the magazine "Birds and Blooms", paint the yellow parts of your hummer feeder with red nail polish. This supposedly will discourge bees. Sarah
